
Honorable Mensch-ion

I am Here

We know the word Hineni, “I am here,” from the well known narrative of Abraham. Yet, we hear this word again after Jacob learns that his son Joseph is alive, and Joseph learns that his father is alive as well.

The Torah tells us that as Jacob went down to reunite with his son, Joseph, God came to him in a dream and said, “Jacob, Jacob!” And Jacob, replied, “Hineni–I am here!”

Ramban asks: Why didn’t God call him by his new name of Yisrael? The answer: At this moment, the beginning of exile for the Jewish people, their journey into Egypt, they will not struggle with God, but rather with humanity. It is not until God reenters the narrative that the exile will end.

Today is the day after Chanukah. The lights of the chanukiah no longer shine bright. Yet, we still have the obligation to say the words of Jacob, Hineni—here I am. We have the responsibility to ensure the new name of Jacob, Yisrael, will return, and continue to endure.

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