An unfathomable week. Utter devastation. This is what we experienced in Los Angeles. At the same time, we were treated with love, kindness, empathy, and unbounded generosity that I have never witnessed in my life. For so many disasters around the world, it was our community who would send help into harm’s way. Yet, this was different. This time, we have been the receivers of help. Last night, at a press conference hosted by Sinai Temple, Los Angeles Fire Chiefs and Police Chiefs all told the gathered crowd that while the world has seen tragedy appear before their eyes, we have also seen many signs of triumph.
Toy drives, clothing drives, gift card drives, and hand-made cards from pre-schools in New Jersey; these are all moments that continue to give our community a sense of home, normalcy, and structure.
As the fire chief who assisted in fighting these fires announced, the list included different cities, different counties, and different states. Finally, he said, “And a few days ago, firefighters from Israel arrived to help.”
Tonight, members of Kehillat Israel of the Palisades and Faithful Central Bible Church will join us at our UNITY Shabbat.
This week, we begin reading the second book of the Torah, the Exodus. Our people go into exile. The Torah says, “These are the NAMES of the children of Israel.” The Rabbis explain that the people were redeemed because they did not change their names. They kept their tradition. When we speak to the families of those who have lost everything, and we ask how we can help, they talk about their Shabbat candlesticks, menorahs, tallit, and tefillin. These objects that represent our tradition are what keep us alive.
At this moment, it truly feels as if we are once again a people in exile, in the midst of tragedy. And yet, we know that as we once again venture to the Promised Land, together we will triumph.
May this week for our Sinai Temple and Los Angeles family be one of comfort.