Eric Swanson
Eric Swanson has over twenty years of professional experience in the financial services and investment industries, as an investment banker and executive with Bankers Trust, Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette, and Goldman Sachs, and as an investment manager with Silverpoint Capital LLC. He currently manages a diversified financial portfolio. His experience with financial analysis and as an executive enables him to contribute financial acumen and leadership skills to the Temple and SAA. Eric currently serves as a member of the Budget, MSMP Investment, and Facilities Committees. Eric served as Chair of the Temple Budget Committee for four years ending June 2019, and also chaired the SAA Budget Committee for two years. In the past he has served as Treasurer, as a member of the Investment Committee and Audit Committee and both chair and member of other standing and ad hoc committees for the Temple and SAA as well.
Eric graduated magna cum laude from Claremont McKenna College with a BA in Economics and Literature and from Harvard Business School with an MBA. Eric and his wife Debbie have four children, all of whom have attended SAA, and have lived in the Los Angeles area since 1989. Eric’s family has been proud members of Sinai Temple since 2003.