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May 2017
Cooking with Nicole
Sisterhood's fun and interactive cooking series continues with Chef Nicole Dayani.
Find out more »Eat, Pray, Learn
A follow up to the very popular "Midrash & Merlot" class, "Eat, Pray, Learn" will take an insightful look at women and prayer. Rabbi Nicole Guzik will explore topics including Women and the Mechitza, Sexuality and a Woman's voice, and The Power of Women's Prayer.
Find out more »Empty Nesters Club Shabbat Dinner
Whether you're single or married, have an empty nest or still have some grown kids hanging around, we invite you to join us for the very first Empty Nesters Club Shabbat Dinner! Enjoy some Shabbat schmoozing over dinner, live music, and community.
Find out more »Introducing KADIMA Over Ice Cream!
What is KADIMA? KADIMA is a brand new group at Sinai Temple, designed for kids ages 6-10 (and their parents, too!). We look forward to getting to know you over fun social activities, prayer, and tikkun olam. Come see what we're about over ice cream!
Find out more »Dinner & Screening of “On the Map”
Co-sponsored by JNET and Sinai Temple, this event features a special screening of "On the Map," buffet dinner, and the rare opportunity to meet Israeli Academy Award winning Director, Dani Menkin.
Find out more »Secrets of Success
Learn how you can leverage your strengths as six distinguished professionals share their stories of success, followed by networking according to industry.
Find out more »Israel and the Media: How Can We Win?
Dovid Efune in conversation with Rabbi David Wolpe. Dovid is the Editor-in-Chief of The Algemeiner and Director of the Gershon Jacobson Foundation.
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